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Electric 1x Tank Deep Fryer


Deep fryers for sale at the best prices in South Africa and africa. A deep fryer also known as a frier, deep fat fryer or fryolator is a kitchen appliance used for deep frying. While commonly used in commercial kitchens, household models are available and have become common.

A deep fryer is a cooking appliance that holds a large amount of hot oil for frying foods. The safest way to use a deep fryer is

Electrical Deep Fryers are made for both home or commercial use. The larger units may be self contained countertop units with one or two removable fry baskets or larger versions for more heavy-duty frying tasks such as for use in restaurants.

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Deep fryers for sale at the best prices in South Africa and africa. A deep fryer also known as a frier, deep fat fryer or fryolator is a kitchen appliance used for deep frying. While commonly used in commercial kitchens, household models are available and have become common.

A deep fryer is a cooking appliance that holds a large amount of hot oil for frying foods. The safest way to use a deep fryer is

Electrical Deep Fryers are made for both home or commercial use. The larger units may be self contained countertop units with one or two removable fry baskets or larger versions for more heavy-duty frying tasks such as for use in restaurants.

In addition to stove top fryers, many smaller Deep Fryers are built as electrical appliances so the cooking can be accomplished on a countertop. Electric Dual Tank Stainless Steel Deep Fryer which is perfect for you to fry two items at once or extra large batches.

This machine will help you get more done in a shorter space of time due to its extra fryer, therefore it will be great for businesses that want to grow in economy and word of mouth. Double – Tank Electric Fryers is made of high quality stainless steel, best for fast food stores, snack bars and restaurants.

With High temperature protection and temperature control, these kind of fryers are more safe and easy to handle. Designed for deep fat frying of meat, fish,chicken, specialities and vegetable (pommes frites, chips) in hot oil.

Oil temperature is regulated flawlessly between 135°C and 190°C by a thermostat. Short heating-up time (from 20 to 180°C approximately 10 minutes). Thanks to its high inherent performance the minimum temperature would decrease after input of food.

There are many types of food that can be cooked in a fryer. Many people enjoy deep fried French fries, sweet potato fries, mozzarella sticks, fried chicken, onion rings, tater tots, and many other types of food.

Some chefs claim that the best way to cook a Thanksgiving turkey is to deep fry it. Indeep frying, though the food is submerged in oil, it does not typically become overly greasy. Instead, the oil only penetrates the food’s surface, making it crispy, while steaming the inside. Foods cooked this way often have many calories, however, because the outside or breading retains a lot of the oil from cooking.

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